Empowering our global family through:
SOUND Biblical principles
HOPE in times of trouble
LAUGHTER as a supplement
from WEH & IAPH
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
A dwelling place is significant to humanity, and God has been faithful to us on life’s journey, as in – HE ALWAYS PROVIDED US –
a place to dwell. In August 2024, we returned home to
Ingrid’s birthplace, St. Thomas, United States Virgin Islands,
from our chosen location of retirement, Pensacola, Florida.
We agreed that our island home should be our place to dwell
at this time of our lives. We returned to our local place
of fellowship, a wonderful circle of friends, beautiful beaches,
and warm weather, while Ingrid returned to
her chosen vocation of teaching.
In the heart of this experience, God gave us the mantra,
“Living in Thanksgiving”. With shared new vigor, we knew it was
God’s directional chant for our present, past, and future life.
This mantra has taken on a life of its own, rooted in the recesses of God’s faithfulness to us, making HIM our dwelling place.
In HIM, WE do BELIEVE❣️ We have put on the garments of PRAISE,
and knowing that the God of our youth is also the God of our aging; we are, indeed, “LIVING IN THANKSGIVING”.
People worldwide, from all nations, races, ethnic groups,
and walks of life, are making NEW COMMITMENTS AND RENEWING OLD ONES THAT WERE NEVER KEPT. Would you agree that it’s time for us to COMMIT TO A BIBLICAL MANTRA that will make God’s heart glad and see us through eternity?
We are committed to letting the world know how satisfying
this dwelling place of “Living in Thanksgiving” is.
Legacy of Love (L.o.L)
Venere Emanuel (1st son but 2nd born) passed away on Monday, December 21, 2015, at the young age of 40; the family profoundly misses him! He passionately forged the vision of the family’s Umbrella ministry, Legacy, during the three years before his death. He was a model for “second chances”!! In his immediate family, he left behind:
his parents, Whitbourne E. Hutchinson and Ingrid A. Pole Hutchinson;
siblings — Vietta A. Hutchinson, Verona C. Hutchinson,
and twins, Deborah V. & Daniel V. Hutchinson.
He also left behind two nieces and two nephews:
Cristiánn A. Hutchinson and Yasmín A., Orlando E.A., & Otoniel I.A. Charles Hutchinson.
"...The grief was unbearable at times as I missed his presence with us. There was no discussion over the t-shirts' color, which would celebrate his life as we memorialized him; you guessed right, “Purple”. Chosen was an intense, rich shade of purple (royalty) combined with gold to celebrate his 40 years of life on this earth. He LIVED in bold print; he never seemed to do anything that was not high impact, high energy, and VISIBLY LARGE.
He was an African King in his own rights. I genuinely loved my first “baby boy”, who became a man of great consequence and character. He learned hard lessons in life as a direct result of his decisions. He was the only child with whom I found myself physically ill before delivery. Two months preceding his birth, the doctor put me on bed rest because of headaches and other manifesting issues. For sure, I realized that he would be a strong-willed child. Hence, I called him “The prophet”.
I knew that he would test me at my inner core. He did, indeed. I share the following statement: 'Little did I know when he came into my life that my son would serve as my mirror, major change agent, challenger, and restorer of hope. He came, he did, I experienced, I was stretched, I grew, and I’m better because of him. I learned unconditional LOVE.' I wrote this statement for his celebration of life and our family’s “Legacy of Love” app, launched in July 2016" (Shades of Purple: DECADES of My Life, Volume 1 ~ Ingrid Ann Pole Hutchinson).
"WE DON'T LAUGH ENOUGH. Our body is waiting for us to release healing chemicals through laughter...Our son had always had the uncanny way of making humor intersect with the most serious activities...Laughter has been one of the medicines we have learned to use in regular doses despite our struggles and difficulties as we faced living and dying. It has helped us to have a healthy attitude toward life. We have learned to embrace the strength that comes from hardships..." (Stuck in My Gut: A Belly Full of Laughs).
"Healthy grief will seek out a place to move forward with a plan. This process includes our having learned something significant from the loss. We find a place to honor the memory of the loved one we must grieve. We change some actions or design projects that will benefit and impact the greater world for the greater good because our loved ones have eternal value. Grieving takes on a greater purpose as we heal healthily" (Shades of Purple: DECADES of My Life, Volume 2 ~ Ingrid Ann Pole Hutchinson). "Finally, resolve is where we face the finality of reality…We find a place to honor the memory of a loved one…because of the life we release. Grieving expands in purpose as we grieve and heal healthily. We believed God knew what He was doing, and we were willing to follow despite the “meteorological forecast" (Shades of Purple: DECADES of My Life, Volume 3 ~ Ingrid Ann Pole Hutchinson).
Our family has launched one of these resolve projects each year since the death of Venere Emanuel Hutchinson on December 21, 2015.
These projects are as follows:
1) In 2016, we launched the “Legacy of Love” app.
2) The “Legacy of Love” app had a significant overhaul in 2017.
3) We purchased our “Legacy of Love” home in 2018.
4) Our monthly “Legacy of Love” broadcast on Clear Word Network’s internet radio station in Orlando, Florida, started in 2019. It was also the year that we produced our family song, “Legacy.”
5) The Legacy Worship League held its first event in Pensacola, Florida, in 2020.
6) Also, “Shades of Purple, Volume 1” was published in 2020.
7) 2021 was the publishing of “Shades of Purple, Volume 2”.
8) On 12/21/22, “Stuck in My Gut: A Belly Full of Laughs (“Join the Laughter” series)” was released.
9) “Shades of Purple, Volume 3”, went to publication on December 21, 2023.
10) L.O.L.M, Inc. (Legacy of Love Ministries, Incorporated’s) website, lolminc.com, was launched on Monday, January 1, 2024.
11) Friday, June 7, 2024, was the publication date for “Marriage Is 4 Real People”. This is the 1st book in our new “Marriage” series.
12) The tentative release date for the 2nd book in the “Join the Laughter” series, “Splitting Our Sides: Ripping My Seams” is June 7, 2025. “Shades of Purple, Volume 4” in the “Shades of Purple” series is planned to be released on December 21, 2025.
Our eldest son envisioned the family engaged in ministry through many areas, for which God birthed the vision of LEGACY.
Before he died in 2015, he had produced worship songs, drama, advertisements, banners and posters, the logo, t-shirts, and several other ministry paraphernalia.
Legacy of Love Ministries has four off-shoot endeavors that serve to fuel the mission of “Legacy of LOVE” (L.o.L):
Legacy of Love app, Legacy of Love radio broadcast, Legacy Worship League, and the publications by Ingrid Ann Pole Hutchinson.
(The pages under the "Projects" heading are devoted to these ministries.)
Upgrading and rebranding for the Legacy of Love app and radio broadcast are scheduled for 2024.
L.o.L stands ready to champion the cause of STRONG LOVING families.
Verona Celeste Hutchinson's Legacy of Love, broadcast in February 2020 entitled, “LUVing Family Relationships: Proactive Grieving” (Download part 1 of the 3-part series here), explains what her Mom, Ingrid expressed above about healthy grief. (THE FOLLOWING PARAGRAPHS ARE EXCERPTS FROM VERONA's SCRIPT.) She incorporated an anonymous 6-question “Loss & Grief” survey with 80 respondents, including herself...When her older brother, Van, died ..., she took it extremely hard since it was a sudden death. There was no time to try and comprehend being unable to have him around anymore physically. If the death is not sudden, and you knew it was coming, that still does not make the loss any easier. Being able to grieve and grieve well is a must. Social media has been cast in such a negative light, but it can be positive. She is part of a few Facebook groups for Sibling Loss. It is comforting to be part of a group of people who understand your loss despite the cause of loss being different...
Mitch Carmody, a bereaved father and well-known speaker for Compassionate Friends and other organizations, has suffered much loss throughout his lifetime: his dad in 1969; his brother, five years later; nine years after that, his twin sister and her two young sons; and his son, three short years later. He used to stifle his loss, and one day, it all came to a head, and he lost it. Remember that fizzy soda I spoke about earlier?! When that happened, he screamed out, "I cannot do this!..." (Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS): PROACTIVE GRIEVING). He states that he "made a conscious decision right then and there to dive back into his grief, starting with his father and continuing right up to his son. He embraced his grief, engaged his spirit, honored his child, and began to actively mourn his loss. He shared his continued pain with his family, his friends, and his co-workers. He talked about Kelly, wrote a book, and started to create works of art again. By proactively working on his grief, he started to heal and again felt purposeful and (dare he say) even happy at times" (Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS): PROACTIVE GRIEVING). That is what proactive grieving is to him. It "is embracing your grief, taking ownership, finding out more about it, going through it and not around it, and living the loss and not postponing it" (I Have No Intention of Saying Good-bye...surviving grief: death of a child)...He goes on to say, "Finding peace is going through grief, not around it, by processing your loss, adapting to its reality, and building a new future as a legacy to the loved one who died..." (I Have No Intention of Saying Good-bye...surviving grief: death of a child). This perfectly expresses the concept of "Healthy Grief" that the Matriarch of our family, Ingrid, spoke about earlier.
Verona has another take on "Proactive Grieving". About a month or so before her Grandmother ("Grammie") passed away, she asked her to call her every day, no matter how long the conversation ended up being. By that time, Verona's Grandmother was already not eating for about a month and was suffering from Alzheimer's. Grammie did not care about quantity but about quality!! When she made the request, Verona decided to record their conversations. She did not only want to have the calls in her memory but also to hear her voice anytime...She has many recordings, even of Grammie's last prayer over her...She decided to sing and record 11 songs for her Grammie. She sent them to her Mom and older sister so that they could play it for her day after day...Though there were times when her Grammie did not remember her and was not fully cognizant, Verona was told that when she heard her singing, she would perk up and smile...Verona continued to honor her Grandma's request and called her every day, sometimes even twice daily. Her Grammie died precisely two weeks after her 92nd birthday, on Saturday, September 28, 2019. (END OF VERONA's EXCERPTS FROM HER SCRIPT.)
Verona's last example of her "Proactive Grieving" concept is with her "Adopted" Grandmother. Audrey Leone Lewis passed away on Thursday, November 9, 2023, in St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands. Once a lesson is learned, it should be built upon, so if you go through it again, you will accomplish it even better the next go around. For a couple of years, before Grandmother Lewis passed, not only audio but video was recorded, as well. Because that was done, they could play two of those recordings during her Homegoing Service on Saturday, December 2, 2023. The ante was upped between the death of her Grandmother and her "Adopted" Grandmother, who died at the blessed age of 97.
With grieving and relationships, we must be INTENTIONAL! Proactively grieve, whether it is done before or after a person's death. Doing so will help alleviate any guilt the surviving family and friends may have once they are gone!! (VERONA's EXCERPTS FROM HER SCRIPT START AGAIN.) Grief has stages that we will see manifested in ourselves and others, like ocean waves, coming and going. Sometimes, you might say to yourself and feel that "Missing you comes in waves, but tonight, I’m drowning" (Chris Young - Drowning (Official Lyric Video)). That is okay to express that. The key is how we deal with grief; we must grieve purposefully. To Verona, proactive grieving means to live life to the fullest with the ones you love. It means to leave nothing unspoken between you or no rock unturned. It means calling them just to say, “I Love You!!!”. Spend time and make great memories that will last forever!! Those examples are things that can be put into action proactively before the death of a loved one happens without you knowing they are dying. As defined by Cambridge Dictionary, proactive is “intending or intended to produce a good result or avoid a problem, rather than waiting until there is a problem”
(Cambridge Dictionary: proactive definition). If you have been correctly proactively grieving, then when the person dies, there would be no thought of coulda, woulda, shoulda!!! Whether you know if a person will die soon or not, we can all do these simple things. It helps the grieving process be smoother because you will not have extra baggage to carry along on your grief journey. Ranata Suzuki expresses, “I miss the memories we’ll never have.”. On the flip side of that, Verona says, at least you will have memories that will take you through. You do not ever get over the loss of a loved one, but you go through it. (END OF VERONA's EXCERPTS FROM HER SCRIPT AGAIN.) Proactively grieving, Mitch Carmody and Verona's way, is what we as a family have chosen to do concerning the death of Venere Emanuel. As our Mission statement conveys, this website is here to empower you, our global family, through SOUND Biblical Principles, HOPE in times of trouble, and LAUGHTER as a supplement!!!
“Remember, you might have to ‘ADJUST YOUR FOCUS’ sometimes, but that’s ok.
Life is pushing you forward; DON’T BE AFRAID! God has already secured your future. God’s Got You!!!
God Bless You & have an AWEsome, Fruitful & Productive day in the Lord!”
(Verona Celeste’s tagline for the “Legacy of Love” radio broadcast.)
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Supporting communication and relationship.
Family is at the heart of ministry. As a family, we focus on strengthening families to strengthen our churches, our communities, and our world.
When we started our family, we were already waist-deep in ministry as a young couple and struggled to balance both. We have made many mistakes, but God has also been faithful and used our children like you would a good curriculum. They have taught us more about love, patience, forgiveness, and flexibility than anything else. Those to whom we minister have indeed gotten the benefit of our relationships.
Deuteronomy 6:6-8 (NLV) ~
6 And you must commit yourselves wholeheartedly to these commands that I am giving you today. 7 Repeat them again and again to your children. Talk about them when you are at home and when you are on the road, when you are going to bed and when you are getting up. 8 Tie them to your hands and wear them on your forehead as reminders.
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(We look forward to it!)
Feel free to contact us with any questions.
(850) 454-4851